Love is the Answer

Self-love is the foundation for creating and living a life you love! You need to be able to have this sound belief in yourself and your worthiness. When you have that deep level of self-love, with it comes confidence and you will feel and believe and know you can do anything you want to. You will know and feel as though you are always enough. 

 When you don’t have self-love, you may always feel that you are not quite good enough, no matter what your accomplishments are or how many other people value you. When you don’t love yourself, you most likely are sabotaging yourself unconsciously. Instead of following your heart and doing what you love because you feel so confident and happy within, you may be subconsciously disconnecting from what matters most to you in life because you don’t feel you are enough or not good enough to do or be that. 

 My question to you is, do you love yourself? Do you feel happy deep inside your heart every day? Do you feel like you are good enough, or smart enough or capable? 

 If yes, way to go! Keep it up. If your answer is no, then read on.   

 Results of Self-Love!

When you learn to love yourself just the way you are and have that feeling of self-love within you, it will radiate out of you. You will find that loving yourself that profoundly changes the way you see yourself and the way others see you and react to you. When you love yourself, you will feel more lovable and confident in everything. You will find you can attract and maintain meaningful relationships and great jobs and opportunities. Your self-esteem will be high, and that inner confidence radiates out of you. 

 How Your Thoughts Become Your Reality in Your Body

I want to take you through a visualization exercise, so you understand the power of what you hear or think. Visualize for a moment that you’re holding a quarter piece of a Meyers Lemon in the palm of your hand. See yourself lifting that lemon to your nose where you can smell the fresh citrus aroma. Put the lemon slice into your mouth, begin to suck the juices out of it and taste the sweetness as it melts in your mouth. 

 Tell me the truth. Did your saliva glands start salivating with this exercise? Did you smell the lemon, like it was there? My guess is yes to both. 

 As you just experienced, your body and all its complex organisms respond directly to your thoughts. When you hear something like, you are not enough. Or think something, I am not good enough. You are sending neurochemicals into your body, and that belief is becoming your reality. It is no different than how you just tasted the lemon and started salivating. The lemon wasn’t there, you made it be there and your body responded. Whenever you are saying or thinking things, you are unconsciously embedding those words or thoughts in your subconscious brain and the cells of your body. Those words or thoughts will become your belief, and you will respond to the world based on that belief. 

 You Must Change Your Words and Thoughts to Transform Your Beliefs

No matter who you are or what you do in this world, you need to believe you are enough!  The more you say what you want and begin to believe it is true, the more you will transform. There are many tools available to help you change your ingrained beliefs from Psych-K to Hypnotherapy, or you can make a conscious decision to change them by repeating the words and thoughts over and over again until they become your truth. You have the power to change your beliefs. 

How Can You Change Your Beliefs? 

You need to think, say, and feel what you do want. Repetitiveness is critical. Building the statement of what you want into your daily living is essential. That is one of the reasons I build intention statements, ‘mantras and affirmations into the daily practices of my clients.  

Just saying the words, “I am Enough!” is powerful enough to build more self-love and eliminate old limiting beliefs. Say those words upon waking, repeat them throughout the day. Say them before you go to sleep at night. Keep saying, “I am enough” out loud until you believe the words and know you are enough. You can expand on the words saying, I am enough! I have always been enough! I will always be enough! The more you say it, the more your mind will accept it as real. Make it your statement of truth and see the difference it makes to your life.

Say, ” I Am Enough!”

So just say it! Say it out loud!!  I AM ENOUGH!  I AM MORE THAN ENOUGH!  I AM ENOUGH!  The number one way to love yourself more is by truly believing and saying that you are enough. When you think it and say it enough, it causes that feeling of reality in your body just as the lemon did. That feeling of reality creates your beliefs. When you feel it, it becomes true inside your belief system. Give it a try and see how it works for you. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.