Have you ever participated in a new exercise or program that makes an immediate difference in how you feel?

My first experience was in 1984 when I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  My body had no life energy, I dragged myself out of bed in the morning and dragged myself through the day. It was hard to lift my arm or leg. I heard about a free yoga class on the radio and thought I would try it out.  I was too weak to drive myself so talked my husband into taking me.  For the first time in months, I felt energy in my body.  I was amazed and excited.  Yoga became a key part of my healing process at that time and has been a mainstay in my life ever since.  I do a little bit every single day and take classes for a more intense session.

The second time I had an ah-ha moment was in the ’90s when I was in Hawaii with my husband and another couple.  The hotel where we were staying offered a free Tai Chi class which we attended.  The instructor told us to pretend we were holding a basketball.  He had us move our hands towards each other and back out again.  That was my first experience feeling energy outside my body where I knew it was energy.  That moment of that day where I felt this strong vibration has never left me.

My new favorite is Qigong.  I feel amazing every single time I do any of the movements at all.  I can do 4 minutes of a Qigong routine and totally boot up for the day or reboot for the evening.

The national Qigong association describes Qigong as a mind-body-spirit practice that improves one’s health by integrating posture, movement, breathing technique, self-massage, sound, and focused intent.  I know that all 3 modalities (yoga, tai chi and qigong) all maximize the use of our body’s natural energy.  Qigong is specifically focused on the 12 meridians in our body that flow out to the 365 acupuncture points.

You do slow, gentle movements where you can feel the energy in your body and in the air around you.  It increases my ability to feel the Life Force within me and in our physical earth and feel more connected with it.

Thousands of studies have show that it is a very healing modality and is powerful in decreasing your blood pressure, healing chronic illnesses, decreasing stress and your emotional reaction.

The Qigong association indicates that its primary function is to create chemical reactions in your body that promote cell growth and inhibit cellular mutation that leads to disease.  Which means it is boosting your immune system.

Stress creates chemicals in your body like cortisol that inhibit your immune system during times of high stress. They have proven that both Tai Chi and Qigong both increase the good chemicals that reduce stress like melatonin, serotonin and dopamine.  They also create chemicals that kill free radicals which are responsible for damaging cells and causing disease. Not only does Qigong improve how your body functions but it is also fun to do and is an immediate energy booster.

There are many free qigong videos on YouTube.  My current favorite is Simon Blow.  Click here to experience one that is for joint health.