
How many of you have taken the time to sit down and set resolutions for the year to forget about them in a month? I know I have done that.  

According to an online dictionary, the definition of resolution is 1) a firm decision to do or not to do something, and 2) the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.

Did you achieve your last year’s resolutions? If not, did you feel guilty? When we set a big resolution or goal and don’t succeed, we are disappointed in ourselves. We aren’t living up to the expectations we set for ourselves. So, in a sense, resolutions create more stress.  

What I have learned is that setting resolutions are usually a big thing we want to accomplish, and it is more than a busy person should try and take on. It is often about perfection, losing this much weight, working out this many times, finishing this big project or goal. They are result driven and often make you feel unsuccessful if you don’t make it. And it is overwhelming to figure out how we are going to get it done. It is about changing you into a new you. I want to tell you that you are perfect the way you are, and you don’t need significant changes. You are not broken.  


Let’s talk about intentions. Intentions are about heading in a specific direction, which will take on a journey through change that is not too big or overwhelming. Intentions are statements that move us in the direction of our desire. When you set intentions and have a process to revisit them each day and refine them as you go along, they stay alive and vibrant, and you actually make progress. I am living proof of that. Part of my daily morning work is visiting my intentions.   

The definition of intentions is 1) a thing intended; an aim or plan, 2) the action or fact of intending.

From my perspective, intentions allow you to be more creative, aware, and flexible on what you would like to change. Intentions are how I want to show up in the world. Intentions are easier to set and follow. It is looking deep inside ourselves, to ask what is important to us. It considers how it feels to us. Intentions are more freeing, asking nothing more in return than think about them and say them each day. Intentions are not the same as goal setting. It is all about the journey and not the big win. 

I have included a few examples from my list of intentions. You may want to sit down and identify what is important to you and your happiness for 2020.  

Example Intentions:

  • I am happy, healthy, and extremely fulfilled and inspired by what I do each day.
  • I intend to stay grounded, present, and connected to a universal source each day. 
  • I intend to flow with ease and grace, allowing things to unfold in front of me.
  • I recognize and am grateful for all the good that comes to me each day.  

If you decide intentions are the way to go, have fun writing them! After you have identified what is essential as to how you want to show up in the world each day, write them down. I keep mine in my notepad on my phone and pull them up each day and feel into them. Say them out loud;  Visualize what it feels like to be in that space. I find that my life unfolds exactly as described in my intentions. Why? Because your thoughts become things. And if your thoughts are focused on being this way, that brings the reality of that to you.  

I can tell you from experience that I have had tremendous success with my intentions, and life keeps getting better and better, and everything happens with ease. As I am not predicting the outcome, I am focusing on intentions that end up bringing even better results. Best wishes to all of you for an amazing and intentional 2020!