The Resource of Wisdom, Healing, and Wholeness

Beyond the craziness of your daily routine, there lies a forgotten resource, rich in wisdom, healing, and wholeness. That resource is planet earth.

Most people I coach have no idea how powerful the earth is when it comes to calming and healing your mind, body, and soul. It is a place where your inner world connects with the outer world. It has the potential of awakening you to beauty and magnificence of your true nature as well as the beauty of our planet itself.

Why do you think so many people plan vacations where they can rest and relax or commune with nature? They do this because it rejuvenates their spirit, re-energizes their body, and heals their soul.

What Calls to You?  Are you drawn to oceans or rivers, the desert, the forest, or the mountains? Each of these natural terrains brings something to the individual seeking connection, seeking calm, seeking health. Which speaks to you?

  • The flow of the oceans or rivers?
  • The silence and simplicity you may find in the desert terrain?
  • The twists and turns of the trails as you explore the forests?
  • Is it reaching greater heights in the mountains filling you with joy and inspiration?

It doesn’t matter which landscape speaks to you, choose the one that makes your heart sing. Know when you connect with nature and the earth of any of these different landscapes, you reconnect with your soul and begin to heal and evolve to a calmer place. The earth surface is where you can separate yourself from technology and your fast-paced lifestyle. Where you can move from living in the perpetual motion of DOING all the time and relax in the beauty of just BEING present.

From Separation to Wholeness:  Just visualize for a moment your current life as you drive through your busy day.

  • You may feel separate from the earth where it is an afterthought.
  • You might not be conscious of how you are treating it.
  • You may not realize the power the earth can have on your psyche and soul.

Now replace that visualization with becoming extremely conscious of the earth and how it feels to connect with it. Take time out every day to feel the power of Mother Earth.

  • Go for a walk in the woods
  • Lean against a tree
  • Go barefoot on the grass
  • Sit on a beach.

Don’t wait for vacation. Make this a daily habit; you will begin to feel alive and vibrant! Your energy will increase, and your health will improve.

From Disconnectedness to Belonging: Think about how alienated you can feel in the modern world.

  • Your life may have a focus on material things, money, success, and fame.
  • You might feel lonely or feel like you are not enough, no matter how much you achieve or acquire.
  • You might feel disconnected from your body or emotions?

 Now visualize what it might feel like to belong. How do you feel when connected to our sacred planet?

  • Where every part of the natural earth holds meaning and significance.
  • Where you feel alive and can feel the life force of the ground vibrating through your body, making you feel part of the greater whole.
  • Where you feel rooted with a sense of purpose.

Go outside and feel that sense of belonging as you connect with the earth and its beauty.

Predictability to Feeling Free: We are creatures of habit.

  • You get up, get ready, get the kids off, go to work, run errands, cook dinner, pick-up and fall into bed exhausted. It is a very predictable and mechanical life.
  • You aren’t tuning in to your natural instincts and doing all the things that feel right.
  • You are doing the responsible things that you should do to maintain the security of your material world and the life you have created.

What if you could begin to feel freer and wilder each day? We, by nature, are intuitive beings with the ability to tune into our senses. We are curious, full of creativity, wisdom, and aliveness. The way to reconnect is to spend time in the tapestry of our natural world where you are present and tuned into your senses. Go outside and sit in the grass today and tune in with your senses.

  • What does it feel like?
  • What does it look like?
  • What does it smell like?
  • What do you hear?
  • What do you see?
  • How do you feel?

Take time today to reconnect with yourself by reconnecting with nature. Move from a place of separation, alienation, and domestication into a place of wholeness, wisdom, and belonging!