Have you ever walked in a room and have intuitively known that something didn’t feel right?   Or have you interacted with someone who makes you feel small or tense without them even saying a word?   It might be a look or their stance? They may increase the fear response in your body or your defensiveness.  On the other end, have you ever been drawn to someone because they make you feel fabulous, so you want to be around them?   You can feel their goodness just by being around them.

Feeling Energy Waves

What we are talking about here is energy and energy waves.  Bruce Lipton is a scientist, and biologist and the author of The Biology of Belief.  He explains that we are energy beings and communicate with energy.  We each have 50 trillion cells in our body, and these cells are living entities.  Every cell has a negative voltage on the inside and positive voltage on the outside, making them each a tiny battery that has about 1.4 volts.   When you multiply 50 trillion cells, x 1.4V = 70 Trillion volts of electricity in your body.   Others can feel that electric energy. The energy waves between humans, animals, and plants all communicate with vibration.

Good Vibrations

The song Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys is talking about the same concept.   When someone has good energy, you will be drawn to them because of their good vibrations.  People enjoy upbeat music because of how they feel when they listen to it. It’s good energy, it picks you up and increases the good vibrations within your own body.  Just as we tend to like positive people, who make us feel good.  When we were babies, we naturally read the energy or vibrations of others.  If it felt good, we would willingly go into a stranger’s arms.  If their energy was heavy or the person was uncomfortable with babies, we might start crying as we “felt” the fear or angst.  It is an intuitive knowing of good and bad energy.

We Learned to Push Down Feelings

We all have the natural ability to tune into energy or vibrations but often turned it down or off at a young age.  As we grew up, we heard things like big boys don’t cry.  Or you are too sensitive.  Or be tough. Don’t be so touchy/feely.  We were encouraged to go after material success instead of following how something made us feel.   We turned off our “feelings,” which is how we read the energy waves.  We were told to stop listening to how it felt when in truth, the feeling is the essential thing we should listen to.

Is Your Life What You Thought It Would Be? 

Are there things in your life you would like to change but don’t feel you have control over?   Do you feel stuck or unhappy?   Do you feel like people don’t understand you or connect with you? Do you tend to rub people wrong or cause conflict? Most likely, it is because you are living a life based on what you “think” you should be or do and not based on “feelings or knowing.”  Let’s change that!

How to Tune in!

When you learn to reconnect with your energy or your feelings so you can begin to make decisions that flow for you, that feels right. You will instinctively begin to know how to avoid situations, people, and things that decrease your energy and follow things that fill you up or increase your vibrations.

  1. Stop and breathe deeply to get centered and present
  2. When you are trying to decide on something, ask yourself how it feels in your body? Your body knows best. If it warms or feels good inside, follow it.  If you feel cooling or tension, it’s a no.
  3. Follow your instincts, your feelings as it is always right. You won’t waiver on what to do as you will feel and know what is right for you.

A Few More Tips for Increasing Your Good Energy!

  1. Spend time with people that you like who that fill you up, make you smile or laugh or feel happy.
  2. Do things you love to do that fill you up: time on the beach, walking in the woods, time with friends, doing crafts or listening to music, etc.
  3. Turn off the news as if it bleeds, it leads, and that will drain your energy. Pick up what you need to know online.  Watch shows or movies that are uplifting if you are going to watch TV.
  4. Listen to your body. If it is tired, let it rest. It will always tell you when to stop if you listen.
  5. Only fill your body with food or things that will make you feel good. If you are continually eating things that don’t agree with you or are unhealthy, it will decrease your energy flow.
  6. Move your body through exercise, stretching, walking, yoga, tai chi, qigong to keep your energy flowing.