You are continually evolving in this world; there is no one right way or wrong way. Each day brings new challenges, discoveries, and unique gifts.  The key to your happiness is dependent on whether you are tuned in or not. How do you feel?  It is so easy to be caught up in daily living that you miss the nuances or the messages that come your way.

Your body knows what’s best! It is all about learning to tune into your body and its responses to things happening in your world. You can learn to have a deeper awareness of what that tenseness in your shoulders means.  Or that pain in your gut or your tight, clenched jaw.  Your body talks to you all the time, but most of us are trained to tune it out or mask it with medicines that take away the pain or discomfort. I used to do just that until my illness became life-threatening, and then I realized taking Tylenol for headache or pain wasn’t the solution. I was meant to listen to the pain and ask what it was trying to tell me.

In my case, it was to get off the roller coaster of life. Quit trying to do too much and be everything for everybody. It was telling me to get out the DOING Zone and learn to quiet my mind, body, and soul and learn to exist in The BEING Zone®.  When I learned to do this, I transformed my health and happiness.

There is a real freedom that comes with this awareness, because with it comes the opportunity for you to make a choice. Every day, you have the chance to decide on what you do, how you react, and where you go.  When you become aware of your power, you have the fantastic opportunity of transforming into your life into one you love.  Every moment of every day presents you with new opportunities and the more present and tuned in you are, the more likely you will be able to respond more effectively.

For instance, one moment, you may have a friend, acquaintance, or co-worker rub you the wrong way, and you may be ready to explode at them.  You can feel your stress, defensiveness, or anger increasing.  You may feel your shoulders tighten or your face turn red. Pay attention to your feelings and breathe into them. Then tune in and ask yourself, why you are reacting that way. Why are you being set off so easily?  Listen to what answers come to you.  Are you listened to?  Or perhaps your acquaintance is a know it all, and you are tired of hearing them spout off. If you stop, get present and tune in to your bodily response, breathe and calm yourself, you can choose to react more positively. Your friend may be insecure, and this is how they cover-up.  Forgive them for their indiscretions and send love and compassion their way. You will respond in a whole different matter and feel less stress in your body, mind, and soul.  It will be better for your state of mind as well as for your relationships.

Another example is you might find yourself stuck in a rut.  You may hate your job but don’t see the way out. So, you go to work every day and are miserable. You almost feel sick when going to work. You feel stuck and don’t see a way out, and this is when awareness and tuning in will help.  Pay attention to how you feel.  Then if you want to move on and must earn an income in the short-term, it helps to discover and identify what’s right about your job or the people you work with as it will make it more tolerable.  I have helped many clients deal better with their current circumstances while seeking a new job or creating a new career. If it is not your life’s calling, that is ok. You can work towards discovering your purpose and dream job while making your current situation more acceptable for the short term.

I had a short-term job doing analytics and charts for a significant cost reduction campaign. Not my thing at all. My body reacted, and I felt physically ill and depressed every day I had to do that job that was not fulfilling to my soul or me.  By becoming aware of how my body was responding, I could make a conscious choice to change my situation or leave the job.  When I decided to move on, I immediately felt better overall.

Awareness is when you realize what you are doing and how you are feeling affects your happiness and wellbeing. When you can step back and observe yourself, noticing your reactions and choices from a detached point of view, you can change.  Awareness is the first step to change because you can’t make a change unless you are aware that one needs to be made.

There is a real freedom that comes with your increased awareness. Rather than feeling stuck in a repetitive cycle where there is no escape, you can begin to see that you are responsible for creating your own life. It is through awareness that you can consciously evolve to eliminate the parts of your life you don’t like and begin to create the life you dream of.