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Many of you already understand that your thoughts create your reality.  So you want to think about what you do want and not what you don’t want. Every time you have a thought, it becomes an emotion that turns into a feeling.

So if you are thinking or saying you are fearful, that emotion/feeling of fear creates an emotional charge in your body that creates the feeling of fear in your body and your body responds (energetically and physically).  You might feel your body tense up or your anxiety increase.

Remember basic science says like attracts like. Your fearful or anxious thoughts attract like energy, emotions, and feelings into your life that match that emotional vibration.  You are attracting what you don’t want.

To change this, you want to begin to notice or be aware of how you are feeling in response to your thoughts.

When you take notice of what you are thinking when you are feeling fearful or anxious, you can begin to change.  You can consciously create more positive thoughts or focus on what you do want.  The more positive your thoughts, the more positive you will feel and you will attract positive people and circumstances to match that.

When you are always thinking about things that scare you or put negative emotions into your body and energy field, that is what you are going to draw to you.

  1. A good first step is to make a conscious choice now to stop watching and reading things that cause negative or fearful reactions or feelings in your body such as the news.
  2. Secondly, if you are thinking about what you don’t want, you are actually attracting feelings about what you don’t want.  Your feelings and body don’t know you are saying you don’t want it, they just hear, I am afraid or full of fear vs. I don’t want this.
  3. The trick is to focus on how you want to “feel” instead. For instance, if you are afraid of the Coronavirus and don’t want to get it, don’t talk about your fear of going shopping and being exposed.
  4. Instead, focus on feeling happy and healthy.  Visualize and think about feeling peace, joy, and health within you. Focus on feeling safe, comfortable with your family.   You will feel better and you will attract more circumstances in your life that mirror how you feel.
  5. Sometimes it is difficult to move from fear and anxiety into peace so I will share an effective tool I call the Throw Away Tool that many psychologists use to help their patients eliminate fearful or negative feelings in an instant.
    1. When you feel fearful or anxious, pay attention to where you feel that emotion in your body.
    2.  Is it in your head or your heart or your core?
    3. What does it look like or feel like to you?
    4. Describe it as a physical thing.  It might feel like a tornado or a heavy dark weight or a racing heart.
    5. Talk to that feeling and tell it thanks for showing up but you no longer need it.
    6.  Reach your hand towards the part of your body where it exists, visualize you are pulling that feeling out and then wad it up and throw it away.
    7. And then focus on what you do want.  A feeling of calm and safety.

Listen to the following meditation practice to help you move into feeling how you want to feel.