Webster Definition: Balance

verb: to bring into harmony or proportion

I struggled to balance my career and family life.


What Life Looks Like When You Have Balance

Are you ready to live the life you dreamed of?  Where you wake up every day refreshed and excited to be alive?  Where you can journey through each day enjoying each moment to the fullest?  Where you love what you do and do what you love? Where you feel centered and grounded and happy to the core?

This is where I exist, and you can have it too! It is as simple as changing some of your priorities and making time for YOU!

Most Important Component: SELF!

I have found that a high percentage of my clients do NOT prioritize themselves and self-care.  They tell me they don’t have time or feel it’s selfish to focus on themselves.   I am here to tell you that I know from experience that there is nothing more important.  I spent the first 18 years of my career making work and family my priority.  As a result, I ended up with stress-related diseases 3x, with the last time being life-threatening.  I rarely prioritized me or my own self-care because I was so busy with work and family.

I now know that I can have it all.  I can have a challenging and demanding job, take care of my family and take care of myself.  I also know when I prioritize me first, that I am more productive, connected and effective at work and at home with my family.

How to Achieve Balance (The 5 Spheres)

Spend time every single day in all 5 spheres of life and you will feel much more balanced and happier in all ways…emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. When I consistently operate in all 5 spheres, it puts me in what I call the BEING Zone and my life is amazing because of it.

I am going to focus the most on the 3 components that are usually not the priority as most of you are probably pretty good at the work and family part. Creating a good balance will be different for every single person, but I will describe what it looks like for me to provide an example of what being balanced in this area means to me.

  1. Health and Wellness:
    • I attend a very active exercise class 2 mornings a week and try to hike 1-2x week and walk at least 2 miles daily.
    • I follow the 85-15 rule with food. 85% of the time I eat very consciously and healthy ensuring I have a lot of fruits and vegetables. 15% of the time I eat what sounds good if I am at a social gathering or event or feel like eating something that is not as healthy.
    • I take no over the counter medicines at all and use all-natural supplements and essential oils for healing any ailments mind-body or spirit.
    • I do Yoga or Qigong when I can fit it in as they are both energy boosters.
    • I have an acupuncture treatment once a month for maintenance.
    • I schedule massages on a regular basis.


  1. Spirituality: I wake up every single morning without exception and start my day with what I call My Daily Practice. This includes:
    • Breathing deeply and grounding (which gets me in a meditative stance)
    • Releasing or clearing away negative energy and bringing in good energy
    • Setting Intentions (What you focus on becomes your reality)
    • Affirming my purpose, my true north
    • Asking for guidance from source, the Universe, God, whatever you want to call it.


  1. Happiness Boosting Activities: These are the ones I do consistently
    • Sitting on the beach, beachcombing…for shells, beach glass, heart rocks, etc. (daily)
    • Walking barefoot in the grass or laying in the grass watching the cloud shapes (weekly)
    • Walking and playing catch with my dog (daily)
    • Watching the sunrise and sunset (daily)
    • Reading a good book (almost daily)
    • Spending time with family or friends, laughing and having fun (several times per week)
    • Watching uplifting movies (every few weeks)
    • Doing an art project of some sort – painting, (every few weeks)
    • Attending events that I enjoy- Husky Football games to concerts to art festivals (weekly)
    • Cooking with my husband and friends (a few times per week)


  1. Career & Achievements:
    • I usually work between 6 and 8 hours per day depending on my client load. I love what I do so this is easy and part of my joy. It never feels like work. (Daily)
    • I am a life-long learner and believe in learning and growing. I love reading books or watching videos that will help take me to a higher level.


  1. Family:
    • My kids are grown so that is no longer dominating most of my time.
    • I love my family and embrace the minutes, hours or days we get to spend together. I like to plan family get-togethers to bring together extended family.
    • I spend quality time with my husband daily, usually walking or sitting on the beach or deck. On weekends, we will attend concerts, games or other events with friends or family.   We love having movie night in the winter months.

If you are ready to create that life you dreamed of, decide today to begin to prioritize YOU!   Decide on what you can do in the 3 areas that are usually not a daily priority.  When you address all 5 spheres with good balance, you will feel better mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually!   Give it a try!