How would it feel if you had less stress or anxiety in your life daily? Or would you like to see more calm in your life?  Or clarity?  Or joy?  What about being able to sleep better? Or improve your health?

These can all improve with a commitment to operating in what I call the B.E.I.N.G Zone.   The first part of BEING means existing in a calmer, more grounded state where you can be more mindful and tune into how you are feeling and make decisions from that place.

For many of you, this state or zone is difficult to achieve because you are experiencing more stress and anxiety than ever before. It is due to technology and the fast pace of the world that we live in.   You may have daily pressure to succeed and are self-critical, judging yourselves if you don’t reach your goals or exceed expectations.  Most of us are always living in the past or in the future. When you worry about what you didn’t get done or are anxious about what is next on your never-ending-to-do-list, it increases your stress.

You might rush around all day long, and at the end of the day, you fall into bed, exhausted.  You can’t wait for your weekend or vacation so you can rest and relax.  But there is always too much to do on the weekends; It might be upkeep on the house or yard, running errands or socializing with friends or family.  You may rarely get a break unless you get sick and must stay in bed.   Even then, you might take over the counter meds and keep pushing through.

Our minds, bodies, and souls are in a perpetual state of exhaustion.  And this catches up with us when we are not operating in a healthy, optimal state.  It will show up as disease or illness down the road.  That was my story.  I never slowed down or turned off and ended up with three stress-related illnesses over the years, with the last one being life-threatening.

Living in the B.E.I.N.G Zone, means you slow down, calm, and exist in the present moment, not the past or future.  This way of being in the moment allows us to wake up and tune into ourselves and our bodies so we can get the most of our lives while staying happy, calm, and healthy.  It is all about becoming more in tune or more mindful.  It will help us respond to situations more calmly and recognize our unhealthy habits.   We also become more tolerant, less judgmental, and kinder to ourselves and others.

The first step in practicing this mindful way of BEING is to just breathe.  We shallow breathe and do not oxygenate our bodies sufficiently increasing the tenseness.   Stop and breathe deeply and fully.  Try the 3-Part Breathing exercise I offer below followed by a Breathing Meditation.

3 Part Breathing:

  1. Breathe in through your nose on a count of 3 (Allow your belly and core to expand with air)
  2. Hold for a count of 3
  3. Then release through your mouth on a count of 3 (Releasing all that doesn’t serve you)
  4. Then repeat two more times

You will feel much calmer and more centered just by breathing.

Breathing Meditation: Next let’s try a breathing meditation that will take you to the next level of the B.E.I.N.G Zone.  Listen to the meditation here. 

  1. Find a quiet spot where you are comfortable, can relax and not be interrupted.
  2. Sit with a straight back on a cushion, chair, or couch.
  3. Close your eyes. Rest your hands on your knees or in a relaxed cupped-up position on your lap.
  4. Begin to breathe gently and softly. Feel your face soften, your jaw relax.
  5. Bring your attention to your tongue and let it rest softly on the bottom of your mouth
  6. Keep breathing softly and gently in and out
  7. As your body and mind become more still, notice your breath as it comes into your body and leaves your body.
  8. Notice the rising of your belly on the inhale and the fall on the exhale.
  9. Quietly notice how it feels to breathe in and out
  10. Just follow the breathe in and out.
  11. Allow your breath to just flow in and out in a steady fashion.
  12. If your mind is still busy, try counting, saying out loud or quietly in your mind, the number 1 with the in-breath and the number 2 with the out-breath.
  13. Say one on the in-breath and 2 with the out-breath. Now just watch your breath or tune into the counting and let it guide the way.   Continue this activity for the next few minutes
  14. You will find your mind will wander to worries, distractions, or thoughts of the past or future. That is ok.  If you notice you are no longer focused on your breathing, just go back to the 1, 2 count breathing in and out.
  15. Begin to pay attention when the mind wanders and allow those thoughts or worries to float off in a cloud and watch it go. Here is a concern, I will place it in a cloud and let it float away.
  16. Return to the breath repeatedly breathing in and out, counting it with a one on the in-breath and a two on the out-breath if that is helpful.
  17. Continue to breathe in and out.
  18. When you are ready, wiggle your fingers and toes and slowly come back to the present. Notice your surroundings and how your body feels at this moment.  Do you feel calmer?  Less stressed? More in tune to your surroundings?

It is difficult to do at first due to our subconscious minds constant chatter.   You will think of everything you need to.   I often encourage people to have a pen and notepad next to them to make quick notes of things they don’t want to forget so that they know it is captured and can go back to the closed eyes, and natural breathing in and out.    You will find the more you do this, the better you will get at it.  Your practice will become more natural, and you will get distracted, less, and less.   The key is to create a habit and do it daily. A daily breathing meditation could be a life-changing habit for many of you.

You might pay attention to how long you were able to stay in a meditative state and challenge yourself to adding another minute each day.  Set a goal of being able to do this for five straight minutes in the beginning and ultimately 10 minutes of complete calm and breathing.   Do not feel pressured, if 5 minutes is all you can do, then commit to that.  It is your life, make it one you love!