My alarm went off, but I turned it off.  I thought, five more minutes.  It went off again; I again hit the snooze.  I knew I had to get up and get out of bed and go to work but my body told me differently.  I couldn’t get out of bed.  I was just too tired.   I thought maybe I had the flu as my body ached.  I hurt everywhere.  What was this strange feeling?

When I finally crawled out of bed, I couldn’t function normally.  My body was in slow motion.  I hurt everywhere.  I didn’t know what was wrong.  I felt light-headed and off. I decided I must have a strange flu bug and decided to call in sick to work. I collapsed back into bed, unable to move and fell asleep.  I slept all day but woke at different times to the aches and pains I felt in my body.

The problem was this exhaustion; this achiness didn’t go away.  Day after day it lingered.  Doctors told me it was in my head.  That made me mad.  It was my body; I could hardly move it; I was physically exhausted all the time.   This feeling went on for months.  I dragged myself into work each day and back home again.   It was hard. I could barely get by doing the basics. Life changed as I knew it.

In time, they diagnosed me with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. They said there was no cure as all the symptoms were so non-descript.   I had to figure out how to heal myself.  That is when I heard about something on the radio called yoga, and the commercial said it would give me energy.  That is what I needed, so I talked my husband into driving me to the class.   For the first time, since that fateful morning, I felt the energy in my body.  I became dedicated to yoga, and it was one of the key solutions to my healing.

That is what started me on the route of learning more about natural healing and listening to my body.   You see, I had had all the warning signs before that day.  I was tired a lot, under too much stress, wasn’t sleeping well, pushed myself too hard, committed to too much.  I did fully heal and haven’t fallen back into that place, but it took time and was a journey.

What I now know, but it took me years to figure out, is one must take care of themselves and take time out to just BE.  I call it living in The BEING Zone®. You can’t go all the time and DO which I call living in the DOING Zone; your body needs to rest and recover.

I have shared my story and will share my learnings with all of you, so you don’t suffer in your health if you are stressed or pushing yourself too hard and feel exhausted.

My Key Learnings:

  1. You are Constantly Sending Information to Your Body. Your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and words become your reality.  If you are saying, I am stressed, you will be. If you say I am exhausted, that will be your reality. Think and say what you do want!
  2. How Your Body Responds: For example, when you are excited, fearful, nervous, or stressed, you physically increase the adrenaline in your body, causing your body to tense up, feel more stressed. Some people even go on overload and end up as a panic attack.  When you start your day with calming exercises, you are relaxing your body and calming your system naturally.   It is what I call the BEING Zone, and when you learn to exist in this place, your body will experience more peace, calm, and love.
  3. Your Body is Always Sending Information to You: Did you know that? Do you listen to it? Do you know what it is telling you? Working with over 1000 clients over the years, I have found that most people do not listen to their body’s messages a good part of the time.  It’s easy to tune out.  I know because I did precisely that. I ignored the clear messages my body was conveying and covered them up by taking over the counter medications.  Instead of tuning into why I had a headache, I would take Tylenol to try to make it go away. And in the day, if I felt a sinus infection starting, instead of naturally healing it, I would take Sudafed to take away the pain and mask it. I know from personal experience that this type of response will catch up with you.  By continually taking over the counter medicines, I ended up messing up my body’s natural ability to heal itself, which resulted in multiple stress-related diseases over the years.
  4. Listen to Your Body: Our bodies tell us when we should do something or when we shouldn’t do something. When you are trying to make decisions on things, key into what your body’s response is.  When it feels right, follow it. When you feel like you are forcing yourself to do something, it might mean, it’s not right for you. Your body is a fantastic system, and when you learn to trust it, it is life-changing.
  5. How to Change Your Life – Operate in The BEING Zone®! Calm your body through breathing and grounding techniques or practice meditation. Choose to exist in a calm energy state with an unfocused awareness or a focus on sound or a body sensation.  When you do this, you are operating in the present or the BEING Zone. Your body will shift out of the repetitive, negative bias loop that the subconscious mind exists in.  Getting into the BEING Zone and tuning into your body, sensing your body’s messages can heal your mind, body, and spirit. When you do this, you will increase your state of wellbeing, which increases your resilience.  The bottom line, you will be happier and healthier by learning to communicate effectively with your body!