I Was An Over-Achiever…How About You?

I Was An Over-Achiever…How About You?

What is an Overachiever? We are people who have achieved a lot but always feel the need to do more and achieve more.  We are always striving for more. We have the drive, determination, passion, and energy needed to move huge projects forward and love every minute.  We...
Who are You Trying to Please?

Who are You Trying to Please?

  We may not realize until we are adults that we are living our life to make others happy before ourselves.  Do you ever question why you are doing what you are doing? When you are pushing through a task or through a day and not feeling inspired, stop and ask...
The Gift of BEING

The Gift of BEING

What I have discovered in my life and my clients’ lives is that learning to exist in The BEING Zone, learning to be present in the moment each and every moment you can, is a true gift.  In this world of uncertainty, we tend to worry, stress, or be unhappy, but when...
Create CALM and Transform Your Daily Life!

Create CALM and Transform Your Daily Life!

How would it feel if you had less stress or anxiety in your life daily? Or would you like to see more calm in your life?  Or clarity?  Or joy?  What about being able to sleep better? Or improve your health? These can all improve with a commitment to operating in what...