Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions you can experience. Take a moment, close your eyes, and think back to a time when you felt so thankful for something. It might have been as simple as a hug, and the gift of time in nature or watching a beautiful sunset. ...
Do you know what transformative technology is? It is technology dedicated to self-improvement, health, and life enhancement. Five years ago there were two apps, Headspace, and Calm that built momentum in this area. Today each company is valued at more than $1B. If...
You may not realize it until late into your life that you spend most of your time trying to please others or make them happy. Many people start to do this at a very young age to be accepted or liked or approved. If you were judged continuously as a young child and...
The Resource of Wisdom, Healing, and Wholeness Beyond the craziness of your daily routine, there lies a forgotten resource, rich in wisdom, healing, and wholeness. That resource is planet earth. Most people I coach have no idea how powerful the earth is when it comes...
“There are moments when all anxiety and stated toil are becalmed in the infinite leisure and repose of nature.” -Henry David Thoreau Some of my earliest memories are building pretend homes in the woods behind our house in Everett, WA, with the girls next door. We...
Webster Definition: Balance verb: to bring into harmony or proportion I struggled to balance my career and family life. What Life Looks Like When You Have Balance Are you ready to live the life you dreamed of? Where you wake up every day refreshed and excited...