The Universe Always Delivers

The Universe Always Delivers

Every thought you have is a message you send to your body, mind, soul, and the Universe. Your body and the Universe are always responding to your thoughts, energy, and emotions. Therefore, what you put out you will receive back—whether you want it or not. That’s why...
You are a Human BEING not a Human DOING

You are a Human BEING not a Human DOING

Do you feel like you are on the treadmill of life, and it is just passing you by?  Always too much to do and too little time.  Often feel worn out and are worrying or stressing about what you need to get done?  Or where you need to be? Or who you need to talk to? Are...
Connecting to the Rhythms of Nature!

Connecting to the Rhythms of Nature!

Our ancestors relied on the rhythms and cycles of nature to survive—the change of seasons, weather, food crops.  We do too but may not be as aware of its impact because of all the modern conveniences.  We tend to spend more time inside and less time in nature. ...
Increasing Your Positive Energy!

Increasing Your Positive Energy!

Have you ever walked in a room and have intuitively known that something didn’t feel right?   Or have you interacted with someone who makes you feel small or tense without them even saying a word?   It might be a look or their stance? They may increase the fear...
The Healing Power of Qigong

The Healing Power of Qigong

Have you ever participated in a new exercise or program that makes an immediate difference in how you feel? My first experience was in 1984 when I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  My body had no life energy, I dragged myself out of bed in the morning and...