Kurt Vonnegut said it best, “We are Human Beings, not Human Doings!”  I find we spend most of our lives in what I call the “DOING ZONE.”  Most people I coach are caught up in our crazy, busy world where they travel and move at full speed and are just existing in life.

What the “DOING ZONE” Looks Like:

You get up every morning, go to work, come home at the end of a long day to more work…shopping, cooking, laundry, cleaning, parenting and supporting.  You fall into bed exhausted and drained, only to repeat the same thing the next day.  You look forward to your weekends so you can rest, but many of you don’t even do that.  That is when you wash the cars, work in the yard, run errands that you don’t have the energy to do during the week!  Or you play hard with friends and family and don’t allow yourself to rest and reboot.

There is more to life than the “DOING ZONE.”  You may continuously be striving for success and find that it may be leaving you exhausted and unfilled. Even when we are allegedly “winning” because by outward appearances we have attained “success”—the high-paying job, the big house, the big car—we may be miserable on the inside.  I know this as I lived there but didn’t see it at the time.

Your Natural State

What I want for you instead is for you to learn to move into what I call your natural state.  “The BEING ZONE®” is where you experience happiness, health, harmony, abundance, friends, and laughter.  Most people in the world today do not operate in this natural state and do not know how easily accessible it is.

I used to be exhibit A for the perils of living in the “DOING ZONE.” I was a successful corporate leader, had a beautiful home, a vacation property, a loving husband, two young sons, a dog, and a cat. My life looked perfect from the outside, but I was crumbling on the inside, which I stopped to realize only when my health started to break down.

It took three stress-related illnesses before I learned to heal myself before I learned the biggest lesson of my life’s journey:

“We are responsible for creating our own happiness, health and well-being and to do so we need to learn how to move out of our “DOING ZONE” into our “BEING ZONE.”

Moving into “The BEING ZONE®”

Understanding that you are more than the sum total of your outward achievements and learning how to move out of your “DOING ZONE” into “The BEING ZONE®” is the foundation for overall health and happiness that enables you to choose the life you want, not the life you were told would make you happy.   Yes, your life is a choice!

Stay tuned, my next blog will be dedicated to how to get into and exist in “The BEING ZONE®.”  You can sign up to receive my blog as part of your weekly inspiration!