I spend between 10 and 20 minutes every single day without exception doing what I call my Daily practice.  This is a time when I breathe and ground myself.  I tune into my energy and move any stuck energy.  I focus on and feel into my true north, my compass for life.  Then I state my intentions for life and that day so I am able to maintain balance and lastly, I look for guidance from the universe so I can allow what is meant to be to unfold in my life.

By the time I complete my daily practice, I have moved into what I call the Marla Zone.  This is a place that allows me to flow with ease and grace through my day.

I did a telephone survey this morning with a group of my clients to ask them if they were still committed to doing their practice daily.  Every single one told me that it was absolutely the most important part of their day.  It is the difference between a good day and a bad day! When they were rushed and skipped their practice, they would find themselves getting agitated easier or becoming more susceptible to overwhelm.

I wanted to know how much time they dedicated to their practice and all of them said between 10 and 20 minutes on a regular basis and sometimes they would add more time to do more meditation or relaxation if they were more stressed.

On busy days, they may only do 5 minutes. They all concurred that doing any amount of it is much, much better than doing none at all.  The popular opinion was that doing this daily practice, put them in their own personal zones of excellence where they could ebb and flow through the day with more ease.

They find that by practicing this, they are much less likely to react to things, to get as stressed or overwhelmed.

All of them said that the work they did with me to clear the old beliefs and heal their pains on top of learning how to feel energy and to move from a head-based place to a heart-based place was transformational.  Knowing their authentic self and creating a balanced life was like putting the icing on the cake.

What are you waiting for?  If you are ready to transform your life today so you can Love Living Life!…start with simple steps of breathing and grounding yourself each morning.  That alone will put you in a better space.

If you want to learn more, you have options, reach out to me to set up a complimentary coaching session via the calendar on my website marlawilliams.net or wait until my new book is published that will teach you all the tricks!  Sign up to be alerted on the book release by going to www.marlawilliams.net/my-book/