I just listened to the HEAL Summit put on by Haye House and was thrilled to hear how many mainstream doctors are starting to understand the concept of energy medicine.  Tapping and meditation is being taught at Medical Conferences.  Doctors are beginning to listen to scientists, psychologists and other experts on topics around energy medicine.

We are Energy Beings

We have energy circuits in our bodies that run up our spine, and when they are aligned and healthy or working right, not blocked or stuck, then we are healthy and happy. Healing happens when energy is flowing through your body without constriction.

If we have blocked energy, then it affects both our emotional and physical wellbeing. Scientists and doctors have shown that the #1 reason we have blockages in our energy system is unresolved emotion. Trauma, abuse, neglect, or other issues that are not resolved within us. These old emotions cause us to think a certain way, and those neurochemicals flow into our bodies, and we shut down emotionally.

Everyone feels sad, lonely, or depressed from time to time in our lives. The problems show up when that heaviness and lack of energy becomes your constant state. You might feel numb or shut down. At this point, you may be experiencing a more severe form of depression. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), major depressive disorder affects over 17 million American Adults.

The secret to healing is looking at depression from an Energy Medicine perspective. There are so many techniques you can use to help decrease your depression and regain a sense of vitality and joy in your life.

Depression is Stuck Energy

Quantum science teaches that everything in all of creation is energy – including you. In its natural, unobstructed state, energy is meant to be always moving through your body. We unconsciously shut down that energy flow when we worry, get angry, or feel unhappy.

Chronic depression results when you don’t process new or old emotional experiences or feelings completely. Your feelings become heavy or dense in your energy field. When this happens, you might feel heavy or weighted down. It might feel like what we call depression.

This compressed, heavy, depressed kind of feeling you have, isn’t because there’s something wrong with you; it merely means you haven’t completely cleared the issue from your psyche.

Identifying Stuck Energy

To clear the heaviness, you need to try to connect the situation or feeling. Ask yourself questions like:

  1. When I think about how I am feeling right now, wherein my body do I feel it the most?
  2. Or, where do I feel the heaviest right now?
  3. Or, where do I feel the emptiest right now?
  4. Or, where in my body is the energy different than the rest of it.

You will intuitively know where to go when you quiet your mind and tune into your body.

Removing Stuck Energy

I offer many tools for you to be able to move this emotion or feeling out. Here are a few you can try on your own:

  1. Bring your loving attention to that place in your body where your mind has landed. Focus on that area and visualize bringing unconditional love to that place. Tell it in your mind’s eye, that you love it, forgive it, and are ready to release those old feelings. Focus on filling it with love and begin to feel an overall sense of wellbeing and health in that place. Then focus on moving your breath into that place in your body to move the stuck energy out. Breathe into that place and then release all that doesn’t serve you. Breathe in again and then release. The stuck energy will start to move, and you can begin to feel flow through your body. You will find your state of depression begins to shift as you feel more flow.
  2. You can visualize in your body where that stuck energy is and what it looks and feels like. Color, shape, size, and texture. It might be like a big, dark, heavy weight. Or a stormy, dark cloud. Or an intense fireball. Whatever the visual is, reach your hand towards it, pull it out, and hold that visual in your palm and talk to it. Big, dark, heavy weight, thanks for helping me, you have done your job, I now release you. Wad it up and throw it away. And then breathe into that part of your body to get the energy flowing again now that you have removed the block.
  3. You can get your energy in motion with exercise. It releases endorphins that will help you feel better. Visualize breathing up and down your spine while you are exercising. The key is to remove the emotional issues first.

Get to the Core and Heal Yourself! 

Your body can heal. It wants to be thriving and vital. If you are not experiencing that vitality or if you are suffering feelings of depression, there’s a reason, so we want to dive deep and get to the core of the cause.

That said, there is also a solution, and it has to do with moving old feelings and emotions so you can get your energy flowing. You will feel happier, healthier, and more alive!

To Stay in a Good Space!

The secret sauce for staying in functional space is to create daily practices. I teach my clients how to implement a daily practice, which follows my B.E.I.N.G. Steps. You can create a method that works for you. When you do this from a place of authenticity and don’t just see it as a thing to do but see it as something you look forward to, you can change your life and decrease the likelihood of falling into a heavy or depressed state.

When you are committed to your practice and see it as a gift that you are infusing into your life and your body, it will increase the energy in your body. Make it a way of being not a discipline. Devotion to this way of being each day is the one thing that will change everything in your life and keep it that way.