I have so many clients who come to me who are trying to figure out what they want to do in life.  I recommend that they take the time to look at several primary things that are a critical part of the process on when it comes to determining your career or life’s work.  There are other things to consider, but these are foundational.

Your Story 

When you go back in time over your life, I believe everything happens for a reason, and every situation that was part of your life is part of your experience and thus, expertise.   Both the good memories and the traumatic memories all have a play.

One of the exercises I take my clients through is going back into their childhood.  You are born with natural intuition and naturally gravitated towards certain activities when you were a baby and young child.  It is crucial to determine what those might have been.

For instance, my youngest son loved blocks, Legos, building things, and taking them apart.  Later he was interested in tearing apart and re-building computers, I-pods, cars, etc.   He is a natural analyst and engineer by nature.   My oldest son only wanted to play ball and lead people.  He was a natural athlete and at three was leading the other kids on the block.  He dives into topics he is interested in and learns all he can.   He is a natural salesperson and leader.

What is your story?  What did you love to do as a child?  What activities did you gravitate to the most and get lost in the moment and happiest when doing them?   That is the first clue to who you are and what you meant to do in life.

Your Natural Traits

All of us have natural traits that we were born with.  Those are your greatest strengths, and when you discover what they are and learn how to capitalize on them, you will be stepping into your power.   I have a process I have created, which helps me identify my clients D.N.A. or Defining Natural Attributes.  I can get to the core of what you do so naturally that I couldn’t take it out of you if I tried.  It is these traits that will make you good at what you do if you know what they are and use them to your advantage.

Your Passion

What are you passionate about in life? What is your WHY? That when you talk about it, you get excited.  You might not be able to get off the topic very easy.  It is something that if you could make a difference in that area, you would be delighted in every part of your being.   Or it may be something that breaks your heart that every time you hear about it, you feel the pain inside your heart.   You “feel” for this cause and genuinely want to make a real difference in the lives of these people or for this cause.   It may or may not be what you studied in school.  I find people often go to school and focus on what will make them money instead of what fills them up.  I want you to think about what makes you happy and fills you up in this step of the process.

Your Education and Experiences

Your education and practical job experiences come into play too as they may provide the skills, knowledge or confidence you may need to help you apply all the new learnings about your calling and purpose to discovering and landing or creating the job you are meant to do.   It might be finding a fulfilling career, and it might be starting your own company so you can make even a more significant difference. Your story, combined with your natural traits and your passions is what will move you forward to creating a life and career that you absolutely love.  Where you feel connected, excited, and fulfilled.   Who wouldn’t want that?

If you are trying to find your way and would like some help along the way, please feel free to schedule a complimentary coaching call at https://marlawilliams.net/contact/  No pressure to coach with me, but I am happy to answer questions along the way.