Who Owns your Health?

Most people, when they are struggling in life mentally, physically, or emotionally look outside themselves for the cause and for healing.  I know as I used to do that and have worked with many clients that did the same thing. Years ago, when I started getting stress-related diseases, I was going to all the doctors to get “fixed,” yet they were telling me it was in my head.  I thought they were nuts as I could hardly climb out of bed.   They were correct, but it took me many years to understand what they were saying and believe it.

I learned the hard way that stress causes 90% of all illnesses (now a scientific fact), and we bring on the pressure or allow the stress that is in our lives. I allowed and created chaos and anxiety in my life.  I now know that it is my perception based on my life experiences that dictated how I responded or reacted to stressors.  I learned we (you and I) have the power to change how we respond.  It is a choice! The trick is understanding how.

All the Answers are Within Yourself

It took me years to figure that out.  Now I know for a fact, is when you take full responsibility for your health and happiness, you can take both to a much higher level.  Let me explain, first, your thoughts, feelings, and emotions become your reality as you are sending neuropeptides into your body telling your body how to respond.  For instance, if you say, I feel stressed, you will be stressed.  Or if you say I have too much to do and too little time, that will be your reality.

It’s not just your thoughts, but your actions also.  If you are going and doing all the time and not allowing time for your body to rest or rejuvenate, then you are also creating an environment for increased stress within your mind and body.

It isn’t just about positive thinking or positive talk; this is about changing the way you are thinking and responding to the world.  You want to focus on what you do want. Our natural tendencies are to focus on how we are feeling instead.   It is about learning to think and say what you do want instead, so you can operate in a way that keeps you happy and healthy.

What Science Says

The scientific or medical side to this that states fear or stress kills.  Your stem cells are creating and dividing new cell daily so you can grow and stay healthy. There are actual chemicals (stress hormones) produced from your thoughts and these shut down the growth of the body, so the minute you are in tension, you stop replacing the body cells, and that is when your body or system starts to break down.  When you have a chronic illness, it is because of this.  You can’t be under constant stress or unhappiness or fear without your body suffering.

Our Crazy Busy World! 

Today’s world is 24-7 stress, with technology, money pressures, family demands, enough money, etc.  Every day you are releasing stress hormones and inhibiting the growth of new cells.  It will ultimately catch up with you.  On top of that, the stress hormones inhibit the immune system function, and the immune system uses a lot of energy.  When in bed sick, it takes a lot of energy to recover.  If you continue to do too much, you deplete your system even more.  When you are sick, think about it, you often don’t have the energy to get out of bed and are depleted.

Is Stress Real or Not?

Whether the stress is real or not, doesn’t matter.  It matters what your perception of it is.   There may be no reason to have the stress, but your subconscious mind has built it up.  Cells don’t see the outside; they can only gauge activity from what the nervous system sends.  We generate beliefs and reactions that may not be accurate or entirely false, but once we create them, they control our chemistry.  They manage our immune system and our biology. An incorrect assumption can make you sick and even kill you.

Fight or Flight

After you shut down your cells from growing and compromise your immune system, you go into what is called fight or flight. Your body is already stressed and wearing you out…and your adrenal glands get locked on in a protective mode which can kill you which is what happened to me.  My doctor told me, “if you don’t stop, you will die.”

When you are under stress, you are less intelligent and more reactive because you are relying on your subconscious brain, which creates your perceptions.  It is a vicious cycle. When you feel abused, inadequate, fear, you shut down, go into stress and repel, and your cells don’t regenerate, causing you to move towards more negative and lack health.  Stress causes diseases.  If you remove stress and it is at zero, that still isn’t enough.

LOVE is the Answer!  

Science says that LOVE is the most significant growth signal in the world.  To LOVE LIVING LIFE, it’s not just the absence of stress…but the need for LOVE for yourself and your life to be healthy and happy. You can do things that fill you up, make you happy.  You can spend time with people you LOVE to be with.  When you learn to LOVE yourself and your life unconditionally and are doing things that you LOVE to do, you begin to heal your body.  When you operate in this place of LOVE, you won’t allow yourself to live in stress because that is not LOVE.  When you aren’t stressed, you are allowing your body time to rest and recover and heal.  When you feel accepted and LOVED, you will grow and be healthier and attract more to you.