Our ancestors relied on the rhythms and cycles of nature to survive—the change of seasons, weather, food crops.  We do too but may not be as aware of its impact because of all the modern conveniences.  We tend to spend more time inside and less time in nature.  Spending time in nature will provide you with the opportunity to feel the power of the earth and part of the Oneness of all Life.

The Impact of the Earth on Your Happiness and Wellbeing

I find in many of my coaching clients rarely take the time to sit outside in nature and receive the healing qualities it offers our body, mind, and spirit.  I know as I used to be the same way.  It was only during planned outings or vacations that I took time to sit on and connect with the energy of our earth.  I now know how much we benefit when we make it a daily process.

We are all a part of this fantastic creation of the earth, but we don’t always realize its powerful influence on our happiness and wellbeing. We unconsciously think we are separate when in truth, the earth provides foundational healing to us just as we impact the health of the planet.  Spending time barefoot on the grass or sitting on a beach or digging your hands into the dirt when gardening or playing is healing.   You will feel and benefit from the powerful healing energies the earth provides.

You are necessary are to the earth’s survival, just as the earth is essential to your survival. Build time into each day to ground and connect with the power of the planet. On top of that, it is truly incredible how much we and our earth have in common.  Hopefully, this article allows you to take a different look at our world when you see it from this perspective.

Diversity of the Earth & Humans

Stop and think for a moment about the beauty and diversity of nature.   Anywhere you go, you can see the beauty in so many different forms.  From mountains and sea’s to deserts and lakes, they each offer their beauty and uniqueness.  From vortex’s to geysers or from beaches to fields or forests, each so exceptional and individualized.   From wildflowers to flower gardens to fields of crops or cattle, each distinctive in themselves.   Wildlife, birds, bee’s, butterflies or insects each exceptional in what they bring to the world.

Humans are just as diverse as our planet, and learning to appreciate all the differences enhances our experience on earth. There are so many different people from different countries and different cultures.  Each culture or community wears different clothing and has different beliefs.  We all have an essential role in the world and add value to the overall circle of life.  Take time to see the value in all.

We are Interconnected & Adaptable

All landforms, animals, plants, and human are all interconnected and extremely adaptable.  We all change with the weather, winds, fires, climate change, environmental impact, use, etc.  We are interconnected.  We change based on environmental factors as well as life experiences.  It matters where we are at, who we are with, what we are doing, and how we are feeling.  The key is when we learn to live in harmony with ourselves and others, our earth, with animals, insects, plants, etc.  Being in harmony with ourselves and nature is life-enhancing and the remedy for stress in our hectic lives.

Re-Shape for Balance

There are cause and effects in both our lives and nature.   Just as the season’s change and winds can blow golden leaves to the ground changing our landscape.  The waves of the ocean continually re-shapes our shoreline daily, and our own beliefs and perceptions shape and re-shape our lives as we learn and grow.  Finding the right balance is so crucial to our wellbeing just as a bird needs balance to perch on a branch, we need to create balance in our own lives.  There is a natural ebb and flow in nature as well as in our own lives.  The more we learn to listen, to trust, and to act on our inner wisdom, it helps brings our whole self into balance.

Resiliency Makes Us Stronger

Sometimes, resiliency is required.  Forest fires create new growth and are vital to our ecosystem.  Our life challenges and greatest pains become our most significant gains.   We are like the growth of plants as we have different cycles in our lives from our birth, through our formative years, moving into maturity, wisdom, and reflection.  These cycles help us grow and build our resiliency when times are tough.

Simplicity is the Key!

More is not always better.  A single rose is often more breathtaking than a bouquet.  Or a wildflower picked by a child more meaningful. Simplicity in a world of excess can be the most beautiful experience of all.  Today, don’t focus on material things that you want but on what we can do to “be” present and enjoy the simplicity of nature and the world around us.