For the past decade, I’ve had this amazing opportunity to take my story and the lessons I have learned in my own life that drove my healing process and share them with others to help them transform their lives.  It has been heartwarming, rewarding, and inspirational to watch these people transform and begin to create a life they love instead of just existing.

At the same time, I have many clients who still struggle.  They are stuck in their heads, live in their story as it feels more comfortable as that is what they know.  That recording of their dissatisfaction keeps playing where they say to themselves, I’m not happy, or I’m not enough, or I should have done this or that.  At the same time, they are crying to me that they want to find their purpose.   They want to make a difference, too as I do.

I believe everyone can do what I do in their own way.  It starts with knowing your story and learning your own lessons, then sharing it honestly and authentically with the world.   Often, people feel their story isn’t enough and doesn’t mean anything.  But in truth, our stories are what makes the difference.    You must trust that what you have gone through and experienced was meant to happen and allow yourself to ask open-ended questions and journal about what you hear.   What have your life lessons been? What am I meant to learn?  What can I do about it?

You may ask, who am I to share?  Why is my story important?  What would I offer or do?   Your story happened for a reason, and others suffered as you did, and if you can find your way and change your life, your sharing can change others.  In other words, your story matters!

My goal is to help you realize you are important; your story is essential so you can unleash that story to share and help heal others.  Think about it what makes me unique or my story special?  Why am I able to coach others and speak?  Because people need to hear what I have to say and share.  I didn’t realize this until I coached the head of a publishing company who said I need to share my story and my tools with a bigger audience.  So, I am writing a book, and I now have more confidence than ever before that my story is important.   It made me realize how powerful everyone’s story is and how they can use their story to help change the world.

Take time to write your story, journal about it.  Take 10 to 15 minutes to write each day.  And then write more when you are inspired to do so.   Writing about it is the first step towards discovering the lessons and power of your own story.  We all tell our stories in different ways, own your style.  Speak from your heart, be honest and authentic.

The secret here is often the painful memories, the challenges, the sadness, the things you are blocking are crucial to your story.  If you were sad and alone in childhood or were verbally or emotionally abused, you may hinder your memories to avoid the pain, but that is the story that needs to be remembered, felt, healed and shared.

In my case, it was all about being driven, with a strong work ethic and not knowing how to stop or turn off or just be.  I had many moments of just “being” in my youth but watched my driven father work around the clock and did the same.  I ended up getting stress-related diseases that affected my ability to function.  It took years, but I finally got the message, learned the lesson, and began to heal my own life.  I learned you couldn’t be in the “doing zone” all the time, you have to learn to exist in the “being zone” too.

Once you know your story, you need to start sharing it with people who would benefit hearing it.  You will inspire others.  When you can share your true story, it is the most transformational gift you can share with the world.   If you impact one person, that is big!  That one person may travel a different path as a result.  You can make a difference in others’ lives whether you are just sharing with friends or trying to go bigger and share your message on more of a public stage.

I learned that a big part of life and happiness is a connection to universal power, source, the divine, or whatever you want to call it.  Some people pray some meditate; you must find what works for you. What I encourage you to do after writing out your story is to look for guidance from the universe or source.  Ask how I can be helpful?  What am I meant to do or say that will help others?  This is the game-changer.  When you are focused on only you, things happen slowly, it is like you are pushing and the universe is pushing back.  That said, when you genuinely care about making a more significant difference in the world and the lives of others, things line up and present themselves to you.

Bottom line, you don’t have to find your purpose or your calling because when you are of service to others, and you inspire others, your mission will find you.   I believe everyone’s purpose is to be a source of inspiration to others in the world!