We may not realize until we are adults that we are living our life to make others happy before ourselves. 

Do you ever question why you are doing what you are doing?

When you are pushing through a task or through a day and not feeling inspired, stop and ask yourself, why am I doing this?   Does it benefit me?  Will it make me happy?   Will I feel fulfilled?   I am not talking about being selfish, I am talking about listening to your body, to your soul, and doing things that fill you up.  When you are filled up, you have so much more energy to do something for others.

I have worked with so many people, who hate their jobs, are juggling kids and schedules, and are running themselves into exhaustion from doing too much and trying to be everything to everybody.  That was my story, but I didn’t know how to stop.  I just kept pushing until it caught up with me.  I don’t like to see anyone else in that situation where your autoimmune system starts to break down because you haven’t taken the time to nurture yourself.  I now get frequent massages, do acupuncture regularly, walk daily and do art because those are things that fill me up from the inside out and reboot me.  What do you like to do?

Take time to stop and breathe and ask yourself, is this the right thing for me to do?  When it is the right thing to do, you will feel the warmth or energy within encouraging you to move forward.  If it is not the right thing, you will feel drained or empty or heavy, stop and re-evaluate. Fill your day with the activities that fill you up.

It’s never too late to start loving yourself.   It is the greatest gift you can give yourself when you ultimately learn how to live your life for yourself.  Take time today, just for you!