Anyone can transform their life into one they love. I recently held a retreat, and 3 of the participants were doubtful they could change; all three were astounded with the results they got in just one short weekend and are now believers and wrote testimonials (see below) that said just that. Can you do it on your own? It is possible but not always easy. It took me 20 years to figure it out. I teach what I have learned to help others do the same.

I believe knowing the whats, whys, and how to transform your life makes the difference.  Most can’t do with positive thinking alone.  It takes much more than that, and that is what I teach.

Some of the basic concepts include understanding how powerful your thoughts are. Change your thoughts and mind, and you will change your life. You will begin to change when you change how you think, feel, and act.

The key is becoming conscious of your unconscious or subconscious thoughts, as those control your life and create the life you don’t love. Most of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs were programmed into your subconscious during your formative years (0 to 7). These become ingrained inside you, and you are programmed to react in a certain way based on what you saw, heard, experienced, and felt in these early years.

Once you understand what things you do that are Autoprogrammed into you, know you can change those, and start to see the results, you will never want to go unconscious again.   Once you clear old negative emotions and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck and recognize that “voice in your head” that takes you astray, you can begin to listen to but quiet the voice and begin your transformation.

It is all about breaking the habit of being your old self where you struggled, felt sad, depressed, angry, frustrated, hurt or guilty.   You begin to identify what fills you up, what makes you happy, and start to reinvent yourself and how you respond to life circumstances.

You will see you can live your absolutely best life when you get beyond your subconscious (voice in your head) thoughts and beliefs.   And begin to embrace a new way of thinking and feeling and build these new beliefs and intentions into your life.   I take people into profound meditations where they can begin to listen to their heart (where their intuition exists), allowing them an opportunity to design and produce a new life they love.  I then help them create a daily practice to put them there and keep them there if they are consistent.

Check out a few Testimonials from my Recent Retreat:   

“I came to Marla’s Reboot Retreat skeptical that she could make a difference in how I was feeling with just a 1 hour 1:1 session and a few group sessions. I didn’t think there was enough time and too much to do. Now I realize how much Marla can do in a short period of time. I have already seen a significant shift in how I was feeling. Marla helped me navigate my current situation and removed a big negative dark cloud weighing me down in life. I am so grateful for Marla and all the information she shared in the retreat. It has already been super beneficial to my life, and I feel like I am moving to a better place. I left feeling like Marla provided me with a significant and life-changing experience that helped me in a time of darkness. She helped me bring out my light, so I will let it shine! ”  – ADRIANE L. MARTINEZ, BSN,RN, CCM

“I have had a few years of online personal coaching for fear, anxiety, panic, and personal growth. Still, I have continued to struggle with self-sabotage in the form of procrastination and disbelief. As someone who feels she has tried everything, and it hasn’t stuck, I was looking forward to having a fun weekend at Marla’s retreat but was skeptical that I would have any big breakthroughs. Marla made more progress with me than anyone has been able to before. She has amazing abilities to get to your deepest blocks and strong energy to guide you into a better space. I returned from the retreat feeling much lighter, stronger, and capable! I now believe that I am on my way to feeling happy and healthy and that I can heal. I know there is more work to do, but now I feel I have the tools to heal myself and my teenage daughter.”  -AUTUMN ROSE

 “When I signed up for the retreat, I told Marla I didn’t think my problems would vanish and believed I would have to work a long time to get results and was just looking for coping skills. Instead, to my surprise, I walked away feeling more free, happy, and joyful than I had for a long time. The retreat was just what I needed. I was amazed at my rapid progress and feel so much happier, healthier, and peaceful, and I have the tools to keep me there. Thank you, Marla, for all you give of yourself to help others and for all you do to make this world a better place.” -NANCY SINCLAIR

If you are ready to transform your life, schedule a complimentary coaching call to see if I can help you.