new! transform your stress with the being zoneget the book

David Pew
"Working with Marla has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. "When I first came to Marla for help, I was a bit of a disaster inside. On the outside, a lot of people thought I was doing really well. I was running what looked like a successful business and seemed confident and skilled. Underneath all of this, I was suffering from MAJOR impostor syndrome, depression, and anxiety, and had all but lost my will to go on. My business was a daily - no, hourly - struggle to keep up with, and I had so much negative self-talk going on in my head that I felt I could actually see it affecting my employees and family as well. In addition, I was dealing with major self-sabotage issues around financial and emotional success, and those were most definitely affecting my business as well.  Read more.