You may be a Stressaholic and not even know it. That was my life.
Your body is not designed to be in the “on” mode full-time as it will burn out. To overcome being a stressaholic, you must learn to build energy reboots into your day. It can change your life and improve your performance. Your body has a natural rhythm and when you tune in when it’s tired and give it an energetic reboot, you will find you have more energy and can be more productive. It’s no different than charging your cell phone, you are recharging yourself.
My clients are stressed out and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work they must do to even keep up. On top of that, they feel they have to do even more than that if they want to get ahead. They are driven by opportunities that excite them and internal expectations to do their best. They don’t know how to stop. That was my life for 20 years until my dr said I could die.
I worked long hours to get ahead and make a real difference in the world. I was constantly getting burned out from the stress of doing it all but I still had an inner desire to do more. I would get ill and have to force myself to stay home and do what the doctors said to recover. I would return as soon as able and jump right back on the treadmill of life pushing myself to the hilt as I loved the challenge and excitement of it all. My vacations would even be a time to study more leadership books and learn to excel more. I couldn’t even turn it off during times of rest. I did yoga two times a week for a reboot but found it difficult to turn off my racing brain.
It was when my doctor suggested I take a painting class that I recognized what it felt like to turn off. I was so engrossed in the process that I lost track of time and 3 hours flew by. I walked out of there calm, relaxed, and re-energized. I realized at that moment the power of calming my system and being 100% present in what I was doing. That was the beginning of my recovery journey. A stressaholic is no different than an alcoholic in the sense that you have to focus on the healing process and do the things that help you recover and stay there.
It took me 20 years and a doctor’s warning I could die if I didn’t change my ways, and I woke up and realized, I could be more productive and more successful by taking care of myself. Once healed, I realized the power of starting my day out in what I now call the BEING Zone and then taking effective mini energy calming breaks throughout the day that would result in more energy within me. I ended up being more productive without getting ill. Who doesn’t want that?
If you feel you are a stressaholic or addicted to busyness because it excites you, we should talk. You can work with me as a life coach or attend one of my retreats and get a solid reboot while learning all my secrets for recovery and ongoing health.