I Make Quieting Your Mind Easy!

Most people have a difficult time with meditation or shutting down their brains. I know I couldn’t meditate in the way they said I should. My head is too busy and fast. I couldn’t sit for long periods. I used to sit and repeatedly say the title of Jon Kabat Zinn’s book to calm my brain; “Wherever you go, there you are,” “Wherever you go, there you are.” This would help me quiet my busy mind.

I have learned easier ways and now different techniques to get into The Being Zone. A few of my favorites include sitting on a beach or taking a walk in the woods. Instead of having busy thoughts, just tuning into the beauty around you. Noticing the birds and squirrels, clouds in the sky, smell the flowers, touch branches, leaves, and tree trunks and feel the differences. I call it meditative journeys. Just minutes a day can make a big difference in your life. Start your practice today by downloading my free gifts.

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