The Healing Power of Essential Oils

As a complement to my coaching, I utilize and believe in the power of essential oils in healing and for everyday use.  Oils are a beautiful way to step into The BEING Zone which is a place of calm and serenity. I have helped incorporate use of oils into many homes as well as work sites where they have experienced decreased stress and increased health.

Essential oils are gaining worldwide recognition for their versatility, but their use is not new. The use of botanicals as healing agents is a long-standing practice throughout human history.


In fact, essential oils and other botanicals have been used in wellness practices for at least 5,000 years.

I represent DoTERRA because they only source essential oils from artisans who grow aromatic crops in the indigenous soils of their land and follow our stringent growing and harvesting quality standards. This allows doTERRA to not only offer the world’s finest essential oils, but to also impact the economy in a positive way on a global scale.

Schedule a complimentary session to learn more about oils and how they can benefit you and your life. Or visit my event page for upcoming Essential Oils classes.

How I use Essential Oils:

For Better Health:

I take doTERRA Supplements on a daily basis. I have worked with my Naturopath and she fully supports these products.

I also diffuse the oils each morning selecting the perfect oils for my mood, health and attention.

To aid in digestion, I will use citrus drops in my water and tea.

To fight colds, Breathe is the most powerful product I have found.

Topically, Onguard is perfect for building my immune system.

For Happiness (mood and emotions):

I diffuse daily, use topically and put drops in my liquids or food.

One of my favorites is InTune which is great for calming and focus. Staying focused in a world full of distractions can sometimes be a challenge. Learning to focus is a critical skill that we all need.  It is useful in helping my clients get in the Being Zone.

For Self-Care:

I wash and condition my hair with doTERRA shampoo and conditioner, I wash with doTERRA Onguard soap, I use doTERRA toothpaste and mouthwash.

For Low Toxicity Cleaning:

I use doTERRA Onguard for cleaning all surfaces in my home…it is much healthier and stronger than most over-the-counter options.  I love their Laundry Soap…it only takes a tablespoon!

Onguard is one of my favorites for cleaning my house, washing my hands and building my immune system and eliminating germs.  Here is why:

The Power of OnGuard

One of the doTerra wellness advocates sons did a 5th grade school project testing On Guard’s antibacterial properties vs commercial cleaners like Clorox and Lysol with bacteria sourced from their family chicken coop.  On Guard is top left.

Everyone should know how powerful these oils are and how much they can change your families’ lives.

If you want to learn more, please visit my DoTERRA website.

It is full of DIY ideas, recipes and more information on how to use oils.

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