I believe when we slow down enough to listen, we receive guidance in life. The challenges we face are gifts we can learn from. Whether you call it Source, Universe, Angels or God doesn’t matter. When you allow Source into your life with grace, your life will change.

We spend so much time pushing and trying to make things happen when we should be just allowing. Life is so much easier when we exist in The BEING Zone and are connected, set intentions, visualize our dreams and then get out of the way.

I am writing my book, The BEING Zone, because of serendipity…karma or destiny. Magical events kept showing up telling me this is what I am meant to do.

A big part of my daily practice is breathing and grounding and then asking for guidance and listening.

Studies have shown that it is even more powerful is to watch a video to get you into the BEING Zone for the day. When you look at visuals that make you happy, listen to music that is uplifting, read words that speak to you, your entire experience is transformational and lasts for 6 to 8 hours.

Watch this video daily and begin to transform your life to one you love where you wake up every day happy and move through your day with ease and grace. Enjoy!

Step into The BEING Zone through Breathing and Grounding

I believe when we slow down enough to listen, we receive guidance in life. The challenges we face are gifts we can learn from. Whether you call it Source, Universe, Angels or God doesn’t matter. When you allow Source into your life with grace, your life will change.

We spend so much time pushing and trying to make things happen when we should be just allowing. Life is so much easier when we exist in The BEING Zone and are connected, set intentions, visualize our dreams and then get out of the way.

I am writing my book, The BEING Zone, because of serendipity…karma or destiny. Magical events kept showing up telling me this is what I am meant to do.

A big part of my daily practice is breathing and grounding and then asking for guidance and listening.



Studies have shown that it is even more powerful is to watch a video to get you into the BEING Zone for the day.  When you look at visuals that make you happy, listen to music that is uplifting, read words that speak to you, your entire experience is transformational and lasts for 6 to 8 hours.

Watch this video daily and begin to transform your life to one you love where you wake up every day happy and move through your day with ease and grace.  Enjoy!

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