marla williams life and business coachingBusiness Coaching vs Consulting: Which one is for you?

Both business coaching and consulting provide unique benefits:

Business Consulting is a targeted strategy where an individual or firm provides specific solutions to a problem within the organization’s operational structure. 

Equipped with specialized knowledge, a consultant concentrates on the immediate resolution of an issue, offering hands-on assistance until the problem is rectified. Such a role is ideal when dealing with a pressing issue that requires a quick and expert resolution.

On the flip side, Business Coaching takes on a more holistic approach. A business coach’s role is not directly to solve the organization’s problems but guide the client through the problem-solving process. By doing so, they foster and encourage an inherent competence within the business owner, enabling them to navigate future challenges independently. 

The central difference between a business coach and a consultant lies in their methods of problem resolution. A consultant directly addresses issues, whereas a coach cultivates the problem-solving capacity within the business owner. 

In conclusion, the choice between business coaching and consulting hinges on your organization’s unique circumstances.


My name is Marla Williams and I’m a Life, Career & Business Coach. I’ve helped over 1200 clients get off the “hamster wheel” and achieve their dreams!


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