
Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions you can experience. Take a moment, close your eyes, and think back to a time when you felt so thankful for something.  It might have been as simple as a hug, and the gift of time in nature or watching a beautiful sunset. 

Can you feel the warmth that flows into your heart and body as you reflect on that moment in time?

It has been proven that being grateful has powerful psychological benefits.  They say it will help cultivate positive emotions, improve your wellbeing, and even improve your physical health. Research has shown that people who practice gratitude experience greater levels of happiness and satisfaction with life. I have found that being grateful will help you focus on the positive aspects of your life and to appreciate the small things.  You might feel more connected to yourself, your friends, your family, and the world around you.

My favorite part is there are also physical benefits. Studies have found that people who express gratitude have lower levels of stress and depression, stronger immune systems, and better sleep. There is even evidence that gratitude can help to reduce blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health.

If you are ready to create a more optimistic mindset, the time is now.  Take the time to focus on what is going right in your world and appreciate every little one of them.  I encourage you to write 5 statements per day on what you are grateful for and watch what happens.  

I am grateful to everyone who slows down enough today to read this article!