As we move into the Holiday Season, and we begin to juggle more and more, that voice in our head begins to get louder and louder chattering about all the things we need to do.  We are making list after list, for work, for home, for holidays.   We are running non-stop from working, shopping, decorating, cookie making, and then from gathering to gathering, and rarely have time to just BE.

That voice in your head is the one that increases your anxiety, your stress, your guilt, your shame, your frustration, your jealousy, your sadness, and your anger.  It starts it all.  Would it be great if we could catch all these tendencies when they show up and stop them?  The good news is you can.

My gift to you this Holiday Season includes two simple tools that you can use to calm yourself, quiet that voice, and become more present and joyful as you move through the holidays.

First, let’s start by talking about that voice.   It is your subconscious mind located in the emotional part of your left brain.   It is the part of your brain that gets stressed or anxious, angry, or sad.  You want to listen to what it is saying but not allow it to control your life.    So, when that voice is going non-stop, take the following steps and you will feel much more in control and present in life.

Start with Breathing to Calm Your Mind and Body:  This is a good way to start every day and then use it repeatedly throughout the day to bring you back to Calm.

 Use Throw it Away Tool:  To thank the thoughts for showing up but not let them take over.  Learn from them and release them.

Have a Wonderful Holiday Season full of Peace!


