I remember summers running barefoot in the grass, playing backyard football, and kick-the-can well into the evening.  We spent hours in the woods climbing trees, building forts or moss sanctuaries.  In the summer, I was waterskiing, swimming, or sitting on sandy beaches.  My days were carefree and fun.  I was happy and healthy and never had stress or anxiety.

What I didn’t know at that time is the earth is like a charging station for the body. I was recharging my body every single day just being a kid enjoying the outdoors and nature.  There have been many studies that prove just sitting on the earth or going barefoot decreases stress or anxiety and improves sleep.  Grounding (also called Earthing) is a drug-free, easy approach to improved mental and physical wellness.

In fact, there are many proven health benefits from lowering blood pressure to reducing inflammation and more.  It can decrease pain, improve healing, stabilize your mood, improve your heart functioning, from reducing blood viscosity to increasing heart rate variability and cortisol rhythm.  Most people don’t know how powerful grounding is unless they have had a health issue and their doctor, or a friend recommended it.  We might try it off and on, but life gets in the way, and we usually have excuses on why we don’t get out to ground.

I have found that grounding is a critical part of my day.  I get outside, rain, snow, or sun and ground at least 1 minute every day and most days for 10 plus minutes.  On weekends, I can be found grounding for hours. I have found that connecting with the earth whether I am barefoot, sitting on the earth, or leaning against a tree, re-energizes my body, and I feel better.  It is my go-to medicine for almost any ailment.  I encourage all of my clients to ground, some do and see the benefits and some just don’t take the time to see the value.

You can transform how you feel and improve your overall wellbeing, in just minutes a day by grounding.   Below are a few simple suggestions to get you started.

  1. Stand outside on the earth for 1 minute. Barefoot, in socks or non-rubber soled moccasins.  Visualize feeling the energy from the earth flowing up into the bottom of your feet.
  2. Sit or lay on the grass for 1 to 10 minutes each day. Best in the summer.
  3. If you are a gardener, putting your bare hands (not plastic or rubber gloves) into the earth is powerful.  Or sitting on the bare earth while gardening instead of a rubber mat.
  4. Spend time sitting directly on the beach.
  5. Lean against a tree or put your hands on it and let the power of the energy that keeps that tree alive flow into you. My clients are amazed at how well they feel this.
  6. Just spending time in the woods is powerful and is even better when you take time to touch the plants and trees.

I would love to hear your comments on how much grounding has helped you if you are a person who grounds regularly or if you are new to the process, what you feel or experience.