Do you know what transformative technology is?  It is technology dedicated to self-improvement, health, and life enhancement. Five years ago there were two apps, Headspace, and Calm that built momentum in this area.  Today each company is valued at more than $1B.

If you are an individual looking at improving your life and mindset, Positive Prime is one of the easiest and fastest ways to move into an uplifted mood that will last a good part of the day.   If you are a coach, therapist, healer, or entrepreneur, you will want to know about and invest in Positive Prime.  Created by Kim Serafini, Positive Prime is a transformational technology YOU can customize and use for yourself and with your clients.   Positive Prime combines the best parts of Positive Psychology with new discoveries in Neurology to create a positive mindset quickly in anyone.

Positive Prime is designed to prime your brain into the positive to start your day off right.  Studies show watching a Positive Prime session for at least 3 to 5 minutes will improve your mood, attitude, and energy and will last for up to 6 to 8 hours.  Each Positive Prime session is filled with a certain number of carefully phrased statements along with carefully selected visual images and nurturing music will empower signals to the deep region of your non-conscious brain, improving how you feel.  Enjoy my free session here, and sign up to join to access more sessions if you truly are experiencing the phenomenal benefits of transformative technology.