Do you feel like you are on the treadmill of life, and it is just passing you by?  Always too much to do and too little time.  Often feel worn out and are worrying or stressing about what you need to get done?  Or where you need to be? Or who you need to talk to?

Are You on AutoPilot?

Many of us are cruising through life on autopilot.  I used to do that all the time.  I lived what I would now call a hamster wheel existence and did not know how to stop.  I ended up with multiple stress-related diseases that almost killed me and kept me from living a full and happy life, and that didn’t work for me any longer.

Let me ask you a few questions to see if you are living in the DOING Zone.

  1. Have you ever been driving and suddenly realize you don’t know where you are? Or how you got there. It just happened.
  2. Have you ever got up to get something from another room and got there and can’t remember what you came to get?
  3. Or been in a conversation with someone and forget what you were saying because your mind went onto other things?
  4. Do you ever wake up in the morning and still feel tired and have no energy and then drag through the day?
  5. Do you ever respond abruptly and then regret how you came across?
You will Think and Act Differently in THE BEING Zone

You will find that you will begin to move into a new state of BEING when you think and act differently.   External events impact how you respond and what becomes an addiction or a habit. True states of BEING come from deep within you, not outside of you.

Let’s say you are applying for a job and you don’t get it.  Most people allow that external event to impact their day and how they are feeling.  People who have learned to exist in The BEING Zone will say, “it wasn’t meant to be,” and move on to find a better match.  They don’t get caught up in what’s not working or the negative.

What can you do to change how you react? Steps you can take to move from a DOING response into The BEING Zone.
  1. Stop and breathe deeply more so you are in a more calm and present state and aware of your response.
  2. Start a daily meditative or relaxation process. It is a great way to quiet the mind.   There are some great apps out there and free videos on YouTube.
  3. Catch yourself when you start to worry or get anxious. Stop yourself in your tracks. Talk to that thought or worry and let it know that you no longer are listening.  Visualize pulling that thought right out of your head and wadding it up and throwing it away.  Replace it with a thought of what you do want.
  4. Build in a short energy-based exercise like calming yoga or Qigong. It will help you calm your system while quietly energizing you to move into The BEING Zone naturally.
  5. Journal away your concerns and then focus on what you do want. The act of writing allows you to let go of worries and concerns.
  6. Set intentions of what you do want and write it in your journal, say it, feel it, visualize it, see it as if it is coming true.

Awareness is half the battle. The more you become aware of your thoughts and actions, the more you can change them to what you do want.  Know that it is a journey and not a destination.  Each day you spend doing these activities will build them into a habit, and they will become part of who you are. I can guarantee that you will love living life more in The BEING Zone than existing in the DOING Zone.  Enjoy!