What I have discovered in my life and my clients’ lives is that learning to exist in The BEING Zone, learning to be present in the moment each and every moment you can, is a true gift.  In this world of uncertainty, we tend to worry, stress, or be unhappy, but when you can stop that voice in your head and become present in the here and now, you feel instantly better.   You will feel more certainty for those moments you are in The BEING Zone; you will feel happier and safer.  My recommendation for all is to create a daily routine that will help put you in The BEING Zone to have a better day. every day.

Why Does it Matter? 

  1. You will feel so much better on a daily basis.
  2. How you feel influences your day and everyone’s day who you spend time with on the phone, online, in-person.  When you get in the zone each day, it’s not just about you.  When you practice and cultivate the state of BEING, you will positively impact everyone and everything around you beyond feeling better yourself.
  3. It puts you in a place where you are very aware and can live from a heart-based, grateful place that is authentic and actually can feel very profound when you get good at this.

Long Term Benefits

  1. You will find that consistent practice will help you awaken each day in a better space.
  2. You will get better at dropping into this quiet, safe space at a moment’s notice allowing you to be more responsive instead of reactive in life.
  3. You will learn to listen to your heart and how things feel to you, helping you make better decisions on a daily basis.
  4. You will feel more whole and complete when you are in this place.
  5. You will find yourself craving this place; it is like having a love affair with the here and now, a place of quiet, comfortable happiness and joy.

What Steps Should I Take Get Into The BEING Zone? 

There are many different breathing exercises, mindfulness, meditation, or relaxation practices you can learn that are all effective.  You need to try different things and decide what works best for you.  The key is to always start with breathing and become very aware and intentional with your breathing.  Breathing alone is a big step to get you present in the moment.

  1. Three-Part Breathing to Get Present 
    • Take a deep breath in through your nose on a count of three, breathing in love and filling your body with air.
    • Hold for a count of three.
    • Then release all that doesn’t serve you on a count of three.
    • Repeat two more times.
  2. Relaxation Exercise: There are so many options here for you.  You can listen to an app that offers relaxation or meditations.  You can find one on Youtube or online at various sources.  You can listen to the recording I did for you to try.  The trick is to tune in fully and completely, so you do move your body into The BEING State.

How to Stay in This State:

The most important step you can take is to be aware, and focusing on your breathing helps you do just that.  Throughout the day, if you become worried or stressed, you stop and focus on your breathing.  I call this intentional breathing.   And you do it all through your nose.  Just take 10 to 15 seconds out of your day and focus on breathing into your nose, filling your body with air, and then release through your nose releasing all that doesn’t serve you.

Enjoy your day in The BEING Zone!