There are 5 steps you can take to increase your level of happiness. You may not realize it until late into your life that you may spend most of your time trying to please others or make them happy, so you fit in. When you spend all your time pleasing others, it might make you happy or fill you up in the moment, and it might not. It is dependent on whether what you are doing is something you love to do anyway and want to do it for the pure thrill of happiness deep within you.

You might find yourself frustrated because you are always doing too much for everyone else that you find you have too little time for yourself. You may have learned in your early years that it better to look for approval than to look within and discover what makes you happy.

Albert Einstein was credited with saying, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” So today, I encourage you to change what you are doing. Look for and find what makes you happy. When you learn to listen to your body and do what feels right in your heart or deep inside your soul, you will begin to create the life you want.

Learning to find your authentic voice and listen to your heart, will help you find your authentic self so you can begin to follow the call of your soul for the first time instead of always trying to live up to someone else’s expectations. What I have found is when people recognize their tendencies and make a conscientious decision to think and act differently based on feelings, they will find happiness. The best way to get started is to journal. When you journal from your heart, you will find your answers. And a journal does not talk back, argue with you, or judge you. It is your opportunity to speak from your heart.

Its Journaling TIme
1. First, write about all the things you do that are all about pleasing others, making them happy, or living up to their expectations.
2. Go through your list and prioritize which of these you want to stop doing.
3. Then write about all the things you love to do so much that when you do them, you get lost in time and space.
4. Make a conscious decision to replace the things you don’t want to do with the things that make you happy.
5. Journal about your commitment to catching yourself and making the change in the moment.

A big piece of making this change is saying no to others as they are used to you doing things to please them. They will learn to adapt, and will still like you. Then start to spend more of your time doing the things you choose to. When you follow your heart and do more of these types of activities, you will find your happiness growing. If you want to learn more tools and techniques to help you clear old beliefs and move into your happy zone, sign up to be alerted to when The BEING Zone book and its companion journal are published in September of 2020. It is a step by step transformation guidebook that will help you rediscover, reconnect, and heal your life!