Make Your Dreams Come True!

I believe you have the ability to make all your dreams come true. You might think manifesting is just about money or material things, but it is much, much more than that. It is much more essential to attract genuine abundance into your life, which includes such things as happiness and health as they are the foundations of a fantastic life.

The problem is most of us unconsciously tend to manifest or attract what we don’t want. Why do we do this? Because by nature, we tend to live more in our subconscious minds and don’t even realize we do this. When you learn to recognize and understand the difference between your conscious thoughts and your subconscious thoughts, you can change your thoughts and attract more of what you do want into your life.

The Power of Your Thoughts!

How many times have you had thoughts about how you felt bad about someone or something that happened, and the more you thought about it, the worse you feel? Or maybe, you would like to lose weight and have worked hard at it but aren’t seeing results, and the more you think about it, the more frustrated you feel. You might even put yourself in a slump and mindlessly begin to eat things that are sabotaging your efforts.

You don’t have to have therapy to figure this out; just look at the negative results that you are producing in your life. You can do this by slowing down to capture your current negative or self-defeating thoughts and feelings through the following exercise. Take a pen and piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. On the left side, take 5 to 10 minutes to make a list of all the complaints you have in your life right now. What are all the things that bother you?

Your Subconscious Thoughts

My son leaves a mess in the kitchen every day.
I weigh too much.
My husband is always finding what I do wrong
The hatred and violence in the world break my heart.

By doing this exercise, you will become more aware of how many negative, repetitive, self-defeating thoughts you have that are impacting your happiness and health. It is your first step in acknowledging and claiming your subconscious thoughts and beliefs are resulting in your current reality. Science has proven your thoughts become your reality, so you want to think about what you do want and not what you don’t want.

Turning Your Subconscious into Conscious Thoughts

On the right side of your paper, I want you to change your complaint statements into a list of what you do want.

Unconscious Thoughts Conscious Thoughts
My son leaves a mess in the kitchen every day. I want my son to leave a clean kitchen each day.
I weigh too much. I want to weigh 135 pounds.
My husband is always finding what I do wrong I want my husband to focus on what I do right.
The hatred and violence in the world break my heart. I want more love and peace in the world.

The way to think about these lists is the left column is your subconscious thoughts that are unintentionally creating a life you don’t want. On the right is the conscious list, creating intentions for the life you do want.

We tend to live more in our subconscious than our conscious, which is why an exercise like this is valuable when you would like to attract more positive results and abundance into your life. When you are unhappy or having negative consequences or pain in your life, take the time to do this exercise and start the process of turning your life around.

First Step to Creating Your Ideal Life!

Reframing your daily thoughts is a significant first step towards creating a life you do want. It helps you let go of the repetitive, subconscious thoughts that are full of blame or complaints that tend to run your life and result in what you don’t want and refocuses your energy on words that will attract what you do want. When you begin to catch yourself in the negative thinking mode and turn it around with conscious intentions and wants, you will start to operate more consciously in life, which empowers you to create and attract more of what you do want.