What do I Mean by Be Real to Heal? 

The more you are honest with yourself, tune into your heart and body, listening authentically, the more you will be in touch with yourself. You will know what you need to do to heal your mind, body, or soul and move forward in life.  We tend to live in our head and allow that constant voice in our brains to drive our lives.

I know this for a fact as I used to live in my head (which isn’t the real me). I pushed my way through life trying to achieve and succeed, resulting in multiple stress-related diseases and didn’t stop until my doctor said, I could die, and that is when I changed my life.

That is when I became connected with my heart and my body, where my authentic self and my truth exist.  It is very powerful and becomes an inner knowing, which leads to a different way of showing up in the world.  I now allow things to show up.  I quit trying so hard, pushing my way through life to hit this accomplishment or that.

You can only change when you decide it is essential for you to change.  It often takes a wake-up call as I had.  It may be a loss of a job, change in relationship, health issues, not feeling successful or happy that you start to dislike your life, etc.  When you have an impetus, you will take on change more seriously.

One of the most valuable lessons I learned, and you will need to learn how to be present in the moment.  It is when you are present that you can hear your mind, body, or soul talking to you.  It is that inner knowing.  I feel this is every part of my being.  A big part of that communication comes through your heart brain (yes, your heart is a brain).   Your heart is the most powerful brain in your body.

The Heartmath Institute

Heartmath Institute has proven that the heart is the most potent source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. The heart’s electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain. This field, measured in the form of an electrocardiogram (ECG), can be detected anywhere on the surface of the body. The magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 100 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain and can be detected up to 3 feet away from the body, in all directions.

When you listen to your heart and your body, you are tuning into your natural intuition, and it is very accurate and the real you.  You will find you will always know what to do.   It was life-changing for many of my clients and me.

Learn to Listen to Your Heart, Your Body, and Intuition

Take time every day to quiet your mind and listen in.  You can do this by stopping and doing deep breathing as it calms your mind and centers you more in your body. A useful technique is to breathe in through your nose while visualizing that you are breathing that air into your heart.  Expand your heart with that air, hold it for a count of three and release through your mouth.  Repeat two more times.   You will feel very centered at this point.

Then warm up your heart thinking of someone (a friend, a baby, or a pet) that loves you unconditionally, and when you think of them, your heart naturally warms.   Or it may be a place you love to be, and when you visualize that place, your heart warms.

From that centered, quiet, warm-hearted place, begin to ask yes/no questions and listen to your heart’s response. When your heart stays warm, your answer is yes.  When it cools, it is no.   The trick is to learn to exist more in the “Being Zone” which is a place of quietness in your head and body so you can tune into your heart and body to get your real answers.  Kick into a breathing exercise every time you start to get stress or head based.

When you get a headache or a tightness in your jaw or shoulders or pain in your hip, that is your body talking to you telling you to listen.  Ask why that pain or tightness is there and what you are meant to learn.  When you are quiet enough and listen to your heart when you ask this question, you will get answers.

A Client Story

I have a client who lives more in her head, and she never stops pushing or trying to control situations. As a result, she causes conflict, gets defensive, and frustrated. When she stopped to breathe and center and ask that open-ended question, she clearly heard the message, “stop pushing,” which was exactly what she needed to do.

At that point, I encouraged her to go back into her heart and ask yes/no questions and see where that led her.  Through that process, she discovered she needs to spend more time connecting with nature and learning to just “BE.”  She needed to breathe and center, get into that knowing state and to allow things to unfold rather than try to make everything happen.  The minute, she started doing that, she became happier, more relaxed, and found her co-workers were responding much more positively to her.

Are you ready to listen to your body to hear the “real” messages and begin to heal your life?  Start today!