Do you feel scattered, overwhelmed, or unable to focus?  Do you go non-stop, and jump from one thing to another often feeling stressed?  Do you feel burned out or exhausted each day?

If you answered yes to any of the above, there are ways to move from this state into a better place.  I call it moving from burnout to bliss or moving from the DOING Zone into the BEING Zone.  I teach a 6-Week Course that is life-changing for many participants but if you can’t wait for that to start again and need solutions today, I am going to give you 5 easy steps to follow that can help you change your reality.

We are on earth to enjoy life not run one thousand miles per hour but never feel caught up.  I know from experience, how hard it is to do self-care, when you don’t even have enough time in the day to do all the things you are meant to do, between, work, family, and other commitments. That is why I created the course and offer simple “sound bite” tools that you can use quickly throughout the day to begin to put you in a calmer state.  Our bodies are not designed to be “on” all the time.  I know this for a fact as that is how I used to exist until the day my doctor told me, “if you don’t quit, you will die.”  That was definitely a big wake-up call for me.

I still have a full life but I also enjoy life thoroughly and no longer get exhausted, overwhelmed, or burned out.  I live in what I call a flow state or The BEING Zone and you can too.

TIP #1:  When you find yourself beginning to get anxious or stressed, stop, and breathe.  The simple act of deep breathing will calm your body immediately.  We tend to shallow breathe.  I recommend 3-part breathing.  A deep breath in through your nose on a count of three, while visualizing filling your body with calm.  Release through your mouth on a count of three, while visualizing releasing stress, anxiety or overwhelm.  Repeat two more times for a full set of three.

TIP #2:  Did you know that you can calm your body by rubbing your arms?  Wrap yourself in a hug and use your right hand to rub the outside of your left arm up and down, while your left hand is rubbing your right arm.  Softly rub for 30 seconds or more and you will feel calm and more relaxed.

TIP #3:  Stopping your anxious thoughts is a big factor in calming yourself and moving into more of a blissful state.  There is a simple tool I teach my clients called the Throw it Away Tool.  When you catch yourself getting worried or anxious, catch yourself and pull the worry or anxious thoughts out of your head, hold the thoughts in your hand like a physical thing, thank them for alerting you, ask what you can learn and then wad them up and throw them away.   This deceptively easy exercise is immensely powerful.

TIP #4:  Get outside and connect with the power of our earth.  It is as easy as going barefoot in the grass or on the beach.  Your body will fill up with the negative electrons from the earth which will lower your blood pressure and calm your system.  Or do some gardening, sitting on the earth or putting your bare hands in the soil has the same effects.

TIP #5: Find time to do things you love.  I call these Happiness-Boosting Activities.   I find the more you build these into your day, the better you feel.  I try to do at least one happiness-boosting activity which puts me into the present moment every day whether it is time on the beach, hiking, painting, reading, or just watching the sunset.  What can you commit to today?

If you feel the benefit from these few tips, you may want to look into my Burnout to Bliss Course that will be offered again in September.   It has received great reviews.    You can learn more here.

Have a Blissful Day!