So many of my clients call very stressed or overwhelmed and are beginning to feel the impact on their health or have been dealing with many non-descript or serious illnesses. That was my story. After 20 years
of fighting it, I learned what to do. Now I live each moment of each day in the flow and rarely get stressed, overwhelmed, or sick and I want to share these simple tips with you.
If you are highly active and energetic, it can be difficult to manage your stress and ultimately your health. If you are anything like I was, it was difficult to say no because I loved what I was doing. I was always tempted to take on too many commitments because I found them exciting or interesting. I would end up overworking myself and feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Sound familiar?
Tip #1: Block Your Time: It is important to understand where your time is going as you are a go-getter and want to do as much as possible and reach all your goals. Most people do best with a plan or schedule. Make sure that your schedule allows for You Time, Family Time, and Friend Time. Life is to be lived not worked. Here is a link to Cal Newport’s website. He is a great resource for helping you learn to block your time.
Tip #2: Build in YOU Time DAILY: This is when you reboot, rejuvenate, and relax your system. We are not robots and cannot run 24/7. We are human BEINGS, not human DOINGS. You want to wake up daily with energy and feel that great energy throughout the day. This is where my 5 Daily BEING Steps are very helpful. I recommend you start every single day with this 5-minute process. My clients say it can make the difference between a good day and a bad day. I have attached a sample recording below for you to listen to. In the long run, it is life-changing when you create a daily practice that is personalized for you and is always changing as your life and situations change.
Tip #3: Learn how to Say NO! Never offer to take on a task or project until you have stopped, taken a few deep breaths to center, and then considered how that extra task or project will impact your schedule and your health. The TOOL: Stop, Breathe, Tune in, and Review. After you stop, take a deep breath, and tune into how your body feels thinking about it. If it fits in, feels good, and won’t cause you to lose YOU Time, then go for it. If it does feel a little stressful or overwhelming, it is a clear NO! Don’t be afraid to turn down requests or commitments if you feel like it is too much for you at the moment. Learning to say no is an important step in staying healthy and in control of your life. The Review step is looking at your current commitments and seeing if another task will fit in or not if you have decided it feels good.
Tip #4: Rest Times: Make sure to get enough sleep, schedule regular breaks throughout the day, and take time to do activities that you enjoy and that help you relax. This will help you maintain the energy you need to flow with ease through your day. Stopping and stretching are awesome. Ending meetings a few minutes early to do breathing exercises and stepping outside to center and ground is a powerful reboot. Third, practice mindful eating. Notice the textures and tastes and slowly chew. Do your absolute best not to eat at your desk even if home alone. Taking 5 extra minutes to sit outside or looking out a window are great ways to reboot. When you are busy and on the go, it can be easy to grab unhealthy snacks or skip meals. However, it is important to fuel your body with good food that will re-energize you.
Building these simple steps into your life can be a game changer. Are you ready to live life in The BEING Zone and flow with ease and grace through the day? Then give it a shot.